Poet ,Journalist who works on entertainment, sports and works on YouTube channel of BKo (Bill Kagibwami Official) including entertainment, sports and politics

Bill Kagibwami

Written 1 Stories

Poet ,Journalist who works on entertainment, sports and works on YouTube channel of BKo (Bill Kagibwami Official) including entertainment, sports and politics

Written Stories

Sport is one of the most important things in people's lives?.

Sport is one of the most important things in people's lives?.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2019, it was reported that 19.3% of the US population did sports and exercise daily. The participation of men was higher at 20.7% compared to women as they were 18%. This included participating in sports, exercise and other recreational activities. Sports play an important role in people's lives, contributing to physical, mental, and social health.