Chukwuka Chukwuma Ekweani, popularly known as Ckay said they set up the house to help artists, songwriters and music producers in the form of 'Producers' who are talented but not capable. especially those in Nigeria, where this artist is born.
Ckay said, "We are determined to establish this house to support artistes, songwriters and music producers in the form of Producers to showcase their talents and originality and innovation in Nigerian music. Anyone with talent is welcome. we will help him improve, and we will not seek our own benefit for anyone."
He went on to say that his history with Joseph Salubi and his love for music, is what inspired them to establish this house to help artists. And they hope that it will help them in the promotion of Nigerian music and in terms of income.
"With a strong foundation of love, respect, transparency, and a passion for hard work will make Boyfriend Music Ltd' achieve its dreams" he said.
The 29-year-old Ckay became popular in various songs such as, Love Nwantiti, Emiliana, Wahala, By Now and others.