Bahavu announced this through a statement on his social media, saying that he was not consulted by the organizers of the awards and therefore has no information, which is the main reason why he withdrew from the awards.
He said, "We have not been consulted by the organizers of these awards, so we do not have enough information about this competition, about what they do in awarding awards, and even other requirements." "For these reasons we have decided not to participate," he continued.
Bahavu was among the actresses who competed for the Best Actress of the year award at the 'Inganji Awards'.
Bahavu, who is famous in movies including 'Impanga', competed for the trophy in the category of Best Film Actress of the year, along with Igihozo Mireille Nshuti who is famous in the movie 'Behind', Kayonga Gatesi Divine who is famous in the movie 'Kaliza wa Kalisa';
Joseline Niyonsenga who is popular today through the movie 'Secret', Nyambo Jesca famous for the movie 'Secret' and others, and Irakoze Sandrine Swallah famous for the movie 'Way of the Cross', Umunya Analisa known as Mama Sava, Madederi of in Papa Sava, Nkusi Linda known as 'Keza' in the movie 'Bamenya' and others.