This was announced by his father, in an interview with Times Radio, where Elon Musk's father Errol Musk said that his son would be happy to be the owner of this team. He said: "I can't say anything about that, because they can raise the price."
He continued: "Yes maybe but that doesn't mean he's going to buy it just to enjoy it. That's right, I think anyone would want to buy Liverpool, and so would I."
Elon Musk's father, Errol Musk, continues to say that one of the benefits his son will have if he buys the Liverpool FC team is that this team is related to their family, because it has a history in the city of Liverpool. He said: "My grandmother was born in the city of Liverpool, and we have family in that city so of course we are close to Liverpool."
On the other hand, Fenway Sports Group (FSG), which has owned the Liverpool team since 2010, has been criticized by some of the club's fans for not investing more money in the club, which could give Elon Musk a chance.
Last year, Liverpool FC reported a loss of £9 million, after which there were rumors that the club was going to be put on the market, but Liverpool CEO John W. Henry continued to declare that these were rumours.
In May 2024, Forbes magazine gave Liverpool FC a value of £4.3 billion, equal to 1% of Elon Musk's fortune, as it amounts to €343 billion.
Although the owners of Liverpool Fenway Sports Group (FSG) show that they want to keep this team, but Elon Musk's financial ability is much greater than themselves, which would make this team rich, but there were no stable talks on both sides.