It is after the impact of his words on many social media sites and on YouTube that many say that the element Eleeeh has retired from making songs that we call afrobeats and has dedicated himself to doing Godly worship (gospel) songs.
This artist who is also a music producer has recently shown his amazing skills through his Instagram website in videos showing him using traditional musical instruments such as drums, harps and other modern instruments such as pianos. It's different.
In his words, he continued, "After four years of mistake Rwanda's cultural music, I thought of combining Afro beats and combining it with traditional music, so I came up with the name "AFRO GAKO". Let's Left for rumours know what and when,I am an artist, an innovator in knowing about the times.
Element Eleeeh, who is also a Rwandan music producer, is one of those who continue to rise well. He recently visited Kenya to promote his music in different media.