In January, the former President of Kiyovu Sports Ndorimana Jean François Régis 'Général' resigned from that position. The team is left under the leadership of Mbonyumuvunyi Abdul Karim who was the First Vice President.
The executive committee led by Ndorimana Jean François Régis 'Général' was entrusted with the management of Kiyovu Sports for three years from July 2023.
Apart from what is on the line of education, there are reports that there may be an improvement in the life of this team and the way it ended the last season.
Kiyovu Sports is in a lot of trouble because it is now not allowed to buy other players because it has been sanctioned by FIFA for debts of more than 50 million Frw owed to those it fired illegally.
In addition, Kiyovu Sports finished the Championship in sixth place, characterized by non-payment of players and lack of coordination.