He said this in an interview with the media that took place on Friday, December 27, 2024, in preparation for the match where the Amavubi will host South Sudan, on Saturday at 12:00 in the Amahoro Stadium.
Jimmy Mulisa said that they lost the first game but they have corrected some things and they are ready to get 3 points.
He said, "We lost the first game, there are things we have corrected, now the players are well prepared, we know the team, we know the mistakes we made, so we are well prepared to see how we can get three points".
He went on to say that although it is statistically impossible for the Amavubi to get a ticket to CHAN 2024, they have to do their part.
He said, "Maybe we lost the first game and South Sudan won. You see that our luck is not there, but it is to see how well we finish and win our game. We don't know. Now we have to do what other teams do and put them aside."
The Wolves coach also asked Rwandans to support them in large numbers, saying "One thing I would say to the fans is their team, the Rwandan team did not go well in the first game but you can see that something has changed. For me as a coach we need the fans, we are asking them "They came to support us and see how well we would do. When there are a lot of fans, it means something to the players."
The captain of Rwanda's national team, Amavubi of CHAN, Muhire Kevin also joined the coach, saying that they are ready to correct the mistakes they made.
He said, "The mistakes people saw in Juba will not be seen again. We did it and it also affected us, but we corrected it during the days we spent in training. Our eyes are on the South Sudan game, we are well prepared and we assure Rwandans that we will give them victory."
The Amavubi will host South Sudan, in the play-offs, in the final CHAN2024 qualifiers, which will be held in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, from February 1 to 28, 2025.